Holiday Home Lighting and Decorating Safety

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Real Estate

Holiday Season is almost here and just wanted to give you a friendly reminder of the cautions to use when decorating with lights

Homes always look so beautiful & add that warm inviting home spirit to family and friends to enjoy with you.

Just a few things to remember:

Outdoor Decorations and Lights

Please use only outdoor lights made of thicker wrapping around the electrical wires to withstand tougher conditions.

Use only insulated hooks instead of screws or nails which can help prevent an electrical emergency if a light strand surges.

Home Lighting & Tree Lights

When decorating a real tree, choose only the freshest tree possible - to check that your tree is fresh bend the branches - if the tree's

limbs won't break or snap when bent you have a healthy tree.  

Remember to please turn off all lights with you go to sleep for the evening and if you are not home.

Replace any damaged lights with new lights.

Discard old extenstion cords and use new cords.

Don't overload - pay attention to the wattage on the cords and powerstrips.  Don't connect to a single plug.

Wishing my friends and clients a very happy and safe Holiday!

Happy Holidays,
